Why Am I Running For City Council?
At the encouragement and request of various community members, I filed to be a candidate for City Council.
I filed with much hesitation as I have no political aspirations and do not consider myself a 'politician' in the least. I believe my experience and skill sets in finance, budgeting, and understanding of community land use and building development, combined with effective communication and interpersonal interaction, uniquely qualify me as a candidate for Centerville City Council. Since March 2020 I have been serving as an appointed member of the Planning Commission and have enjoyed my time there. In my opinion, the Planning Commission consists of a strong, diverse-minded group of individuals that work well together despite our occasional differences of opinion to assist in serving the land use planning needs of the City. If elected, in the broader context of the City Council's responsibilities, I hope to do the same.
I consider myself as running for Centerville City and not against any particular candidate(s). I believe that I am extremely well qualified given my professional and personal background in filling one of the two seats available. I welcome any questions that you may have for me related to potential policy decisions. I address current issues and future policy insights here on this website and and my ‘Summerhays For Centerville’ Facebook page here
If you feel so inclined, I would appreciate any and all support as I set out on a completely unfamiliar process (yard signs, chatting with neighbors and friends, time, donations, etc). If you believe another Centerville City resident would appreciate knowing that I am running for City Council, please forward this website to those that you think would like to know.